Our staff scientists teach many diverse undergraduate level courses at the Faculty of Biology. Some also are guest teachers at other faculties of the University of Warsaw.
Basic courses
The basic courses are taught in Polish.
Advanced courses
- Molecular genetics
- Human genetics (in English in 2013)
- Molecular techinques in RNA analysis
- Regulation of gene expression
- Proteomics
- Bioethics
- Advances of science, humanity and ethics
Some of the advanced courses may be taught in English in certain years. Prospective students should check with the Dean's office of the Faculty of Biology for current English language offerings.
B. Sc. and M.Sc. diplomas
The Institute offers many opportunities for prospective B.Sc. and M.Sc. students. Inquire for particular topics and requirements. All diploma students have to be enrolled in the appropriate cycle at the Faculty of Biology. All these diplomas involve hands-on laboratory work and training. English speaking students are welcome.